Let’s try to find some open space to run today!
-light jog + footy bounce
-4 side shuffles
-4 karaoke shuffles
-50% sprint for 15 yards
- backpedal for 15 yards
Exercise: (5 rounds)
- 15 to 20 yard sprint (75%)
- 20 second break
(5 rounds)
- 15 to 20 yard full sprint
- 30 second break
Couldn't push harder than 50% on the running today so I got in a lot of light jogging, touches, and pushups today.
Refreshing - running in an empty park. Has anyone tried bouncing a flat undersized ball (spoiler alert - it doesn't come back to you so I was practicing my ground ball recovery skills while I was at it :P )
Accompished today: no walk today but got some strides in
- 1000 touches with footy
- did my normal workout routine which included; 20 pull-ups, 15 minutes of stretches, planking for 90seconds, 50 calf-raises, air squats for 90 seconds(slow)
- kettlebell workout for 10 minutes of various exercises; kettlebell swings and turkish get-ups
- 25 meter strides (10 strides)