It should be a beautiful day tomorrow. Let's get outside for this one:
Warm Up:
-25 Jumping Jacks (great time for a photo before you get too sweaty)
-10 Patty Millers on each side (side stretch)
-Side Shuffle 10 yards and back (repeat x5)
-1 mile run/jog at a socially safe distance (jump rope or butt kicks could work as
Cranked out 1.5 miles at 7:30 or so. Heading downstairs for my 1,000 touches now. Keep it coming!
Accompished today: same as yesterday:)
- 1000 touches with footy
- walked for 30 minutes around my neighborhood
- did my normal workout routine which included; 20 pull-ups, 15 minutes of stretches, planking for 90seconds, 50 calf-raises, air squats for 90 seconds(slow)
- kettlebell workout for 10 minutes of various exercises; kettlebell swings and turkish get-ups
Got everything in other than the run. I’ll make up for it tomorrow. B
Those "Patty Miller" stretches always feel good! 8:15 mins on the mile jog