Let’s build on yesterday and get the calves some attention today.
-Jog in place 30 seconds
-20 butt kicks
-20 high knees
-mandatory 100 footy touches
Exercise: (your choice for 5 minutes)
1) Box jumps
2) Stair sprints
3) standing calve raises (Stretches)
4) jump rope (30 seconds on/off)
5) hill sprints
Sorry for the lack of updates - just pounded out 2.5 miles at a hard pace. Feeling good. Have been out and about every day running around after the boys!
Accompished today:
- 1000 touches with footy
- did my normal workout routine which included; 20 pull-ups(2x10's), 15 minutes of stretches, planking for 90seconds, 50 calf-raises, air squats for 90 seconds(slow)
- kettlebell workout for 10 minutes; turkish get-ups and kettlebell swings
- 25 meter strides (10 strides)
- walk around neighborhood, 30 minutes