It’s not a great day for kicks but it is a good day for hot and heavy sprints!
-3 minute light jog
-side shuffle and back
-50% sprint (1) Then backpeddle
-75% sprint (1) Then backpeddle
-5 minutes leg stretches starting with ankles, then calves, hammys, quads, groin
(Log your best sprint time and distance, if known. Should be around 20-40 yards)
*As many sprints as you can do in 15 minutes. Take a second break in between each.
That looks like a good sprint workout Henry. I will have to work on it another day. But today for me I did my normal workout routine and did a bit more with the kettlebells.
Accompished today:
- 1000 touches with footy
- did my normal workout routine which included; 20 pull-ups, 15 minutes of stretches, planking for 90seconds, 50 calf-raises, air squats for 90 seconds(slow)
- kettlebell workout for 30 minutes; turkish get-ups and kettlebell swings, other various kettlebell exercises
- 25 meter strides (10 strides)