-15 toe touches
-10 Patty Miller Side stretch (5 each side)
-10 high jumps per side)
Core Exercise: (the numbers of each exercise are low. The idea today is to see where you may need to get stronger. If you do extra reps, share what you did!)
-Plank (30 seconds)
-Rolling sit-up (10)
- Side plank (15 seconds per side)
-Leg raises (10, keeping a flat back)
-Plank from the forearms (30 seconds)
-Crunches (10)
-Scissor kicks (20)
-Hollow Body Rock (10)
- Tap hips to floor from forearm plank (5 per side)
Great work Roota and Henry:)
Accompished today:
- 1000 touches with footy
- did my normal workout routine which included; 20 pull-ups, 15 minutes of stretches, planking for 90seconds, 50 calf-raises, air squats for 90 seconds(slow)
- kettlebell workout for 15 minutes of various exercises; kettlebell swings and turkish get-ups
- 25 meter strides (10 strides)
-walk around neighborhood, 30 minutes
I went heavy on the scissor kicks and added
a few sprints and 1000 jump rope.
Thanks, Ryan! Wore a weight vest while going through the exercises, and added in 5 x 20 split squats with weight vest, a 1.5 mile run, and 8 mins of rolling and stretching.